Domestic Revolution


Its my Birfday!

Last week was an eventful one at our house. Really, May is just an eventful time anyway. We celebrate 4 birthdays during May, and each person is pretty confident that their's is the most important birthday that should be celebrated.

The pinkone comes first, on May 7th. She turned 5 this year and has taken to advising us that not only is she "grown" but that she can "do what she wants". Her birthday in particular (which spanned 3 entire days somehow) was peppered with the phrases "I'm Da Boss on MY Birfday" and "It's not Mudders Day, Its still MY Birfday". There was signifigant disapointment when she realized that I had secretly asked all guests to gift only books, clothes or activities this year. Not because I'm " So super mean", as she so gently put it, but because the ever mounting pile of SHIT in her bedroom has reached fire hazard porportions and there simply is nowhere to PUT anymore shit.

We patronized the "Jump Around FunZone" (real name, i swear) with 6 of her closest friends (well, the kids of our friends anyway) and a huge amount of food provided by my dear friend Lana who totally saved the party with her willingness to share. There was jumping around, there was cake, there were juice boxes, it was an entirely successful birfday party.

Next comes my sister Rachel on the 8th, who has the most inconviently placed birthday of them all. The pinkone often usurps her birthday most years and though Rachel is such a good sport about it, her birthday is very often pushed to the side in favor of smaller, generally cuter and more pink parties.

Last year we did it right and went to Vegas for her 21st birthday, something The husband will never let me live down as (in his mind anyway) that trip created a downward spiral that contributed to our eventual financial ruin. (though his beer stash has yet to suffer, we are apparently destitute)

So needless to say, a trip was not an option this year. Her boyfriend came up with the idea that we all head down to Seattle and go to the Woodland Park Zoo and celebrate Sisters birthday in a wholesome family friendly way. We spent the day searching for each other, investigating various species, and convincing the pinkone that ice cream is NOT essential to zoo patronage, and had a very nice day.

Then we went to lunch at the Seattle Center fountain, a place that in highschool, was refered to as "The Pissing Clit" for obvious reasons. (see image for proof) Pinkone and I danced in the fountain, played various games and nearly killed ourselves sliding up and down the giant cement sides of the fountain. The sister and her friends and boyfriend and his parents played and laughed and enjoyed themselves until...the phone rang....

Apparently Sisters little dog, and by little, i mean quite little, he's a chihuahua/Pomeranian mix named Lenny was bitten in the face by their other, much larger and much more playful dog Mylie. Lenny's eye was now hanging from the socket (gross) and required surgery immediately. $800 and many tears later, Rachel's birthday party was over and Lenny is now back home, eyeless, resting and reveling in his mommy's guilt ridden snuggles.

The last two birthdays are yet to come, my Father in Laws on the 12th and Husbands on the 23rd. What we are doing for those fabulous days, i have no idea, but it will definitely be something.

If you ask the pinkone of course, it will continue to be "my birfday" for the remainder of the month of May.

June anyone?


Dharma said...

It's gonna be hard to outshine the "eyeless" dog for attention-getting. May is always a hard month for us too. Wow, too many birthdays....what the hell? Do people just screw all September? Nevermind the total snub this creates for MOther's day around my joint :( Oh well, hang in there. Margaritas in June maybe?

Deborah said...

Something for you today at Baba's:

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