Domestic Revolution


Holiday Hangover

I'm going through my post holiday funk a little bit. I know that Christmas is over, New Years isn't really all that exciting, and I've already gotten my birthday present (new lap top woot!) so i don't have alot to look forward to. That said, Christmas was exceptionally awesome this year. Below are a couple of highlights from our family holiday nonesense.

1) Accidentally trying to pimp my husband to my mom's boyfriends brother. There was something innapropriate said about nibbling on bones...a whole conversation ensued in which i offered Steve to the highest bidder for a small price. I'm not sure how we got there but we all laughed.

2) The pink one chasing the purple plastic ball that contained her new hampster (thank you auntie Missy) nearly down the stairs and around the entire kitchen as every adult in the family shouted: "YOUR'E KILLING THAT HAMPSTER!" in unison.

3) My husband having to wake up both myself, and Lily on Christmas morning because HE was too excited to sleep. This is a first. Usually, I'm the one running around waking everyone up.

4) Putting together and decorating the 5 foot tall doll house santa brought this year. Not only was this a 2 day, nearly marriage ending (or at least marriage straining) event, but it made this mother utter the F bomb more times in a 2 hour span than nearly anything she has ever encountered. Stupid tiny accessories.

5) Acctually getting to see every family member that we wanted to see for a good amount of time without having to rush out the door to see another. 4 day Christmas' are just perfect. No more, no less. Okay, maybe more.

How was your Holiday?


Michele said...

What a great post!!!
Number 1, I had to read twice. I think a whole post could be devoted to that one... not sure, just sayin' ... LOL

Very cute that hubby got up before everyone else. ;) Gotta love it...

Glad to hear you survived Christmas.
All the best to you in the New Year..

Mom said...

Apparently we missed something at our end of the table! What was going on down there?

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