Domestic Revolution


It Begins...*forboding music*


I think I mentioned this on Friday briefly in the weekly re-cap, but when I went to the doctor last week for my tendonitis, I was given a startiling realization when the nurse took my weight. I am offically 6lbs away from the weight I always privately said I would never get to.

I have always been over weight, my mother, sisters, grandmother, father; all of us, have always been over weight. We are a family of eaters. We eat to celebrate, we eat to mourn, we eat just to eat, then we watch TV, so it really wasn't expecting a svelt 150 to appear to on the scale, but I was unprepared for the number that appeared in front of me. Oh the shame.

My nurse luckily was very kind and said nothing, knowing that I was there for an L&I claim and not seeing the point in getting into the weight issue at the moment.

Had I been seeing my obstetrician however, things would have been very different. When I was pregnant every visit was a constant barrage of thinly veiled jabs at my weight. "Oh my its so hard to see the baby when the mothers abdomen is as dense as yours" yeah...thats doctor for fat.

Anyways, so this startling realization made a dramatic impact of me. I had always said to myself, "yes, I'm overweight, but I'm not THAT overweight, I mean, its not like I weigh Xlbs or anything!" and now I almost do. So its diets for this family!

I was realizing that my family was starting to get on the "crap food and inactivity" wagon too and I just don't want Lily to go through what I've gone through, what my sisters and mother and father etc. have gone through because of our weight, and its so much eaiser to start the good habits at this age than to try and curb them when she's older and more sneaky.

The plan is to change the way we eat, what we do, and how we look at food. Food is no longer a reward, food is for fuel and nothing more. Sister and I started going to the gym again last night, look for many hilarious stories of me trying to navigate an eliptical or cross trainer, and I bought a big ass bag of bone less skinless chicken breasts and frozen vegetables, the staples of healthy eating.

I imagine i will be blogging about this alot, especially since this is going to be a BIG change for Lily who is used to noodley side dishes, cheesey everything, and eating the blossoms and leaving the greens. Luckily, the husband is supportive, which suprised me.

The best thing about all of this though? When I told husband that I had gotten so near to the suicide weight, guess what he said?

"Really? I didn't even notice, you look just as beautiful as ever."

sweet man. smart man.

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