Domestic Revolution


Sick Days

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I'm sick. I am that special kind of sick where you don't really have a fever or stomach issues per se, but you can't make yourself get up and be productive without a crane. I am at that point where every time i cough, I pee, every time I sneeze, I get light headed, and walking for too long wears me out like you wouldn't believe.

So, i have given myself a day off, such as it is, and as all of you know, a day off as a mom, is never really a day off.

On top of being sick, and constantly afraid of peeing my pants, I still have the little person running around, perfectly healthy, and demanding of my attentions, my ability to turn things off or on and to reach all things high up.

But I have no patience for that right now. I don't want to reach things, I don't want to turn things on or off, and I don't feel like watching PBS Kids all day long. When I'm sick, I want to just be sick, just for a day. I want to watch day time television, eat soup, moan and groan and wallow in my sickness, or, even better, be taken care of by someone who wants nothing else in return.

Instead, by being a mother, I have given up my right to take a sick day. I did get to sleep in, after calling in to work and making sure all the work flow was handled for the day, I was re-awoken around 9am, with a demand for pancakes and a movie to be turned on.

I am spending my sick day turning on video games, making snacks, begging her to put on underpants, and trying to get caught up on Desperate Housewives.

Just add sick days to the list of things you give up when you have little ones, my lap apparently is also on that list as she refuses to get off of it right this moment.

I have often complained that companies do not have adequate benefits for employees that have dependents they are responsible for, as it is, i am going to have to work late all week to make up for this sick day since i used up all my sick days when the school wouldn't let Lily go in becuase they thought she had swine flu. But you know which job has the absolute worst benefit plan? Motherhood. Not a single sick day, vacation day, dental package, nothing that is just for you as a parent to say, "hey, thanks for workin' here"

Sure, we have our little perks from time to time, the occasional adults only weekend or grandma visit to take off some of the pressure, but man, days like today, I could really use that benefits package.


1 comment:

mamajade said...

I am sorry you're sick! And yes, I wish motherhood came with sick days too. The wee ones are so demanding, especially when you kind of want to curl up and die.

I hope you get that peeing thing under control very soon.

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