Domestic Revolution


A letter to the men in my daughters life

Dear Boys,

I need to say thank you to the men in my daughters life. Over the last month some very major changes have occured in regard to my family dynamic. Because of this, you boys have become all the more important to her, and to me. The men that sing her songs, that take her golfing, that answer her 37 mile an hour question storms with a smile on their faces,

Thank You.

When her father can't be bothered, or interrupted you are there. You hold her hand and tell her stories, teach her fart noises and watch Dora until your eyes bleed. When he forgets to call her and she cries, you remind her that she is loved and deserving of love. You don't resent her for existing and you know that being a father is more than providing DNA, all this and you aren't fathers yourselves.

Thank You.

I will be forever grateful for your contributions to her life and to mine, and I know that when she grows up to be a strong, independent creative woman, you will all be there cheering her on. You can proudly take credit for your piece in teaching her how a man should treat a woman, what a woman can mean to a man, even when she isn't sleeping with him, and how to simply be a good person.

 Thank you.

During this time where my family is in many ways falling apart, and in others finally coming back together, you are here, where her father should be helping me keep it together. I'm so grateful for all of you, and for your very real and true commitment to my daughter. Thank you for being here, thank you for picking up the slack,

 Thank You.

Ben, Jon, Joe, Dan, Matt, all of the men who step up despite their total lack of legal responsiblity, financial obligation or any reason other than they are just good, honorable men that care deeply for me and for my little girl,

 Thank You.

1 comment:

Maggie Mae said...

Wow! I'm certainly not walking in your shoes, but my own are not so very different fitting than yours it seems. Let me say that you're so very lucky to have so many supportive men in your life. Sorry for whatever trials and tribulations you're going through... I have always found that change, ultimately, is good. I hope you and your daughter find the same.

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