Domestic Revolution


On Being Thankful

With the Thanksgiving Holiday quickly approaching, I have decided to reflect on the many things I am thankful for, beyond of course the typical “familial harmony, good health” etc. I tend to be more thankful for the more simple, yet specific things in life, like, eggnog and cranberry Sierra Mist, or really, just Cranberry Sierra Mist, its really that good.

I’m not cool and don’t have any give away’s like my buddy Scout over at Strained Peas and Other Messes (check out her Dysfunctional Giveaway!) but if you leave a comment about what it is your are thankful for, I will think of you dreamily and send good ju ju your way!

So here it is, my top 10 things I am Thankful For.

10) All six Harry Potter Movies on my IPOD keeping me entertained and awake at work
9) Days without rain, a rare commodity in Washington State
8) Friends who don’t judge, or only do so to themselves
7) Curry Powder-it makes everything that much better
6) Thriving Goldfish-2 years and counting for Lily Nemo, the 33 cent feeder fish that is now 3 inches long!
5) My free gym membership thank you Sterling!
4) Tevas-best. Shoes. Ever.
3) My daughters love of, she leaves us alone for awhile, and she’s being educated so I feel less guilty!
2) My obscure knowledge of all things pop culture, (except for current music) and historical
1) That thanksgiving is going to be at my sister’s house so I don’t have to travel, or make the dinner myself!

Happy Thanksgiving Week Everyone!


Rachel Rene said...

I am thankful for...

1. Not being fired today.
2. Texts of a somewhat questionable nature that I occasionally receive.
3. Friends who know that I am a little bit crazy, and love me for it.
4. When J tried to kiss my nose this morning, he did not in fact bite it off.
5. My hands-free thingie, because without it I wouldn't be able to hear a damn thing anyone said on the phone.
6. Gluten-free spaghetti noodles.
7. My wonderful sister, who is going to be doing most of the cooking on Thursday. And she really loves my kid.
8. Funnyguurl, because she has been incredibly patient with my constant annoying questions.
9. Random people who are rooting me on for the Sam-e blogging contest. (Please click the votey thing up on the right for me!)
10. I am no longer with psyco, and J and I are so much healthier for it.

I love you, poodle!

10 Things to be Thankful For « Strained Peas and Other Messes said...

[...] Published November 23, 2009 Random Bits Leave a Comment My friend at Mediocre Mama wrote a post today about being thankful for all the little every day things, and it inspired me to [...]

Michele said...

Great post. Lovin' the list.
3) My daughters love of, she leaves us alone for awhile, and she’s being educated so I feel less guilty! ~ Soooo with ya on this one! LOL

Hope you have a great day!
Happy Thanksgiving ;)

Giving Thanks. | said...

[...] of us are thankful for-family, friends, a day off of work-but instead, I decided to follow the Medicore Mama and list 10 not-so-average things to be thankful [...]

Mandy said...

I came across your blog by accident tonight and I'm thankful for that. I've been catching up on your past posts and I just love it. I've been laughing so loud my husband finally came upstairs to see what I was doing. I'll be checking back often. Your blog is GREAT!!

Giving Thanks. | said...

[...] of us are thankful for-family, friends, a day off of work-but instead, I decided to follow the Medicore Mama and list 10 not-so-average things to be thankful [...]

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