Domestic Revolution


National Blogging Month


I ran accross this badge on a blog I love called Mommy Words (Check it out, she's fantastic)

Apparently, November is National Blogging Month and the challenge has been set forth to we of the blog' o' sphere to post 30 blogs in 30 days.

I already know I'm going to have a rough go with this challenge, particularly since its November and the holidays, and holiday shopping and the cookie baking and all that jazz are peeking just over the horizon. Despite this difficulty, I know that this will be a great excersize for me, I can work on focusing my theme and projected audience, (rather than just my friends that I beg to pay attention to me) work on promotion, and site design.

So, all of you, keep checking back, subscribe to the feed, add me to your blog roll, whatever, but help me keep it going, 30 blogs in 30 days, are you up to the challenge?



mamajade said...

Oh, I so need to do this.

pinklilybit said...

I challenge you!

mamajade said...

Challenge accepted.

Brittany at Mommy Words said...

This is going to be SO hard for me too! Make sure you at yourself to the blogroll at There are potential prizes if you do it and get chosen!

Thanks for the shout out to my blog! How fabulous of you!

pinklilybit said...

I'm all added! And no worries, I don't expect to be posting anything signifigant every day! Thats waaaay too hard!

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