Domestic Revolution


Building our Camp Fire

Tonights post is a poem I wrote for one of my friends for her wedding (and it is ABSOLUTELY driving me insane that I can't find this one picture of us I want to find!)

Michelle and I have known eachother for years and years, as my mom was our Camp Fire Leader from second grade until we all graduated from Highschool. The five of us stayed together through that entire time frame, and even though we have NOTHING in common, in any other part of our lives, we always have Camp Fire to share.

We had a post wedding shower tonight at my moms and all of my old Camp Fire friends got together to reminice about old times, old wounds, and new hurts. Consequantially, I'm pretty drunk! (nothing like getting drunk with your Camp Fire Leader!)

So, I will share with you this poem that embraces both my wishes for Michelle's long and happy marriage, and the main tenants of Camp Fire USA.

To really get the poem, you have to know the Camp Fire Law, so quickly, here it is:

Worship God (hm hm)
Seek Beauty Give service and knowledge pursue
Be trustworthy ever, in all that you do.
Hold fast on to health and your work glorify
and you will be happy,
in the law of Camp Fire.

then here, is my poem for Michelle and Garry.


at the altar of each other

Seek Beauty

in the life that you share


of yourselves completely

Pursue pleasure and knowledge

by growing together


in love always

In sickness and Health

Hold fast


in good works

and Be Happy in these,

the Laws of Love



Michelle Buell said...

I love you Amy! I already have the poem up in our room, I will cherish it forever.

Its funny, none of us did have anything in common... but when I look back at my childhood and when I think of the people important to me now, at this time in my life, it is all of us that I picture. Even though we all have our own lives, and maybe see each other (if we are lucky) 3 times a year, it is never weird or uncomfortable when we get together, it actually feels like going home in a way. Last night was very fun, and memory to cherish forever.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

Love you,
Michelle Buell

Lana said...

This is beautiful, Amy!

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