Domestic Revolution


Warm Fuzzy's


I was reading today this great list by Nancy at If Evolution Really Works She has appropriately titled the entry, "I'm Not Impressed"

She goes on to list all of her amazing mommy talents, inspiring me to do the same, including some of my lesser known skills and gifts. I also invite all of you, dear readers, to do the same.

1) I can turn anything in to a double en-tundra

2) I have managed to simultaneously parent, and hold down a full time for for 3 years, not an east feat.

3) I am the reigning Simpsons Trivia champion of Western Washington, regardless of what Dan says.

4) I bake a mean pie and a killer clam chowder

5) I know the words to most folk rock hits of the 1960's and 70's

6) I am a tiny bit psychic.

7) I freaking RULE at Scattegories

8) I can speak kindly to a 4 year old despite kicking, screaming, and being told that I am a poop head.

9) I know just about every Camp Fire kids song in existence

10) Even with a full time job and all these other equally important talents, I have time to sing songs and read stories at bed time to the tiny pink one.

So, that's my 10, listing the things I am good at makes the things I'm not good at seem much less prominent.

I urge the rest of you to give it a shot and send me a track back so I can check out your lists as well.


Wesley Gomes said...

This is really good idea. said...

You ae an amazing talent!!!!! I'm happy to have inspired you :)

Lana said...

Did it really make you feel better about yourself? Even though it's only 10 things it seems a little hard to do in my head. Should I try it?

Lana said...

Okay Amy, I did it. Posted it on my facebook.

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