Domestic Revolution


Things I am too Old for Vol. 1


Last night, my friend Joe celebrated his 27th birthday by doing the same thing we do to celebrate Wednesdays with our group of friends, drinking...a lot. We went out to our friend Julies house in Birch Bay and sat around a fire enjoying the last bits of nice fall weather, eating hot dogs, and drinking...ALOT.

As I mentioned, this is not uncommon practice for our group, and I have had my time imbibing alcoholic beverages, partying until the break of dawn etc. etc. But in the years since Lily was born, I have cut waaaay back, and, for the most part, and considered the wuss of the group when it comes to drinking. This is mostly due to the fact that I have a kid to tend to in the wee hours of the morning, and a husband that often refuses on principle to cut back, so, as we all know, someone has to be the mature one. Last night though, the kid was safely tucked away at our friends Tom and Caris house, and there were only limited responsibilities to be dealt with in the morning, so I drank, a lot, various drinks, all full of sugar and proceeded to do the following ridiculous things:

1) Realize after an unknown amount of time that my glasses were no longer on my face, and when that was established, it was shortly thereafter confirmed that they had somehow ended up in the fire. We cant be totally sure as all that was left of my super cute blue plastic glasses was a thin wire found smoking in the fire pit, but despite some insistance from my sister, I am considering the case of the missing glasses, closed.

2) Watched my 27 year old husband and father of my child run around NAKED hugging people and doing the helicopter, use your imagination if you cant picture it. We did turn a hose on him eventually, but I am pretty sure that I have never been so embarrassed in my entire life. *sigh*

3) I said the word vagina more times in one night than I have in my entire life thus far combined. And for me, that is saying something.

4) Asked Tom and Cari to swing, and I don’t mean on a tire swing.

5) Laughed so hard I peed a little

6) Prompted my friend Jeremy to not only tackle my sleeping, drunk husband, but punch him and scream MAKE LOVE TO YOUR WIFE DAMN YOU! until Steve started to whimper, and eventually did wake up, but refused, on principle, (he has a lot of those) to make love to me.

7) Realized, too late, that while coconut rum tastes delicious and mixes very well with cranberry juice, it is the devils nectar and should never be imbibed by a grown woman.

8 ) Referred to myself several times as a whore, not entirely sure why

9) Watched while several of my normally well behaved friends destroyed a fire pit by tripping, falling, kicking, and rolling over/into it.

10) Woke up at like 5am saying WHY did I do this to myself as I stumbled to the bathroom

So here I am now at 1:30 pm typing on Julies laptop and giggling about the fun we had while she makes us breakfast while I try to remember all of the ridiculous things we did.

While I am convinced that I am far too old to be doing this regularly, I am very glad to have had a night in which to revel in my last vestiges of youthful idiocy.

And now, I need more coffee.



Ry Sal said...

I just threw up a little in my mouth. I can't remember the last time I was able to handle more than a few drinks-- let alone RUM. The pounding headaches of a hangover... even the smell of coffee would make me sick. Kudos to you my friend, a much bigger man than me!

Wesley Gomes said...

The helicopter? ROTFLMAO. Ohhh Jesus. I was recounting that time we ordered pizza while stoned at mine and Angela's apartment in Federal Way. Good times.

Tom said...

Don't forget butt grabbing. Although, I don't think anyone is ever too old for that. :)

pinklilybit said...

you can't erase them, but I can if you want me to. And Wes, that was like, the most fun, ever. EVER. I would get stoned with you anytime!

and Tom, you're butt is seriously awesome, Cari is one lucky broad.

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