Domestic Revolution


The Horror of a Shared Bathroom

I am a neurotic mess. Anyone who knows me in the least capacity can attest to that fact. Toenails freak me out, i hate floppy socks, dirty nails, Jeff Goldblum, ducks, anything eyeball related,and guys on unicycles make me furious. I don't know where all of these issues stem from, probably some deeply buried childhood trauma I'm sure, but I have yet to unearth my "root" if you will, and so continue to live in a world where something new appears to either frighten, gross out, or irritate me everyday.

My latest issue is a little bit more crippling however. So long as the toenails are covered and the floppy socks are encased safely in shoes and I avoid lakes and Jeff Goldblum movies, I am usually able to function relatively well in the everyday world. This latest issue however, has become somewhat difficult to control. Working in a public place with several dozen people sharing one three stalled bathroom has lead me to a whole new horizon of neurosis i didn't even know i had.

It isn't the germs that bother me, on the contrary, germs have never freaked me out, I'm quite good with disgusting tasks that most people would shirk at, I like to believe that my immunities are better because of it resulting in fewer sick days used for myself. No, this latest problem is much more difficult to cover up. I am afraid of people hearing me go to the bathroom.

Get your laughs out now. I know, its weird, few people care, hardly anyone listens to others bathroom forays, and yet, I am physically unable to go when there is someone in the stall next to me, even in a real emergency, I clam up, unable to go until I am sure the bathroom is clear of all potential listeners.

Yesterday at work i went in to utilize the facilities when i was sure the last person had vacated and just as i began to settle in, turning a game on my IPOD and finally getting down to business. But then, the creak of the door signifying someone else coming in after me. Instantly i clenched up, my body fell into a state of shock and went into panic mode. The bathroom is dead silent, only the sound of the occasional throat clearing can be heard. She enters the stall next to me and, holding my breath I wait for her to finish. Silence.

"Just flush!" I psychically willed her to finish her business and be on her way, to allow me my moment of sanctuary. After a minute that drags on for days, I realize that this woman is going through a bought with the same neurosis I am fighting, together we are frozen in the crippling fear that is public bathroom panic.

We are in a stand off, well, a sit off. I'm silent, pretending I'm not here, hoping she'll give up and go away, she's silent, both of us, uncomfortable, for several reasons. But my will is strong. I will not have the awkward meeting at the sink, eyes meeting and quickly looking away, the worry of "am i not washing long enough? am i using too many paper towels? should I clean up the sink area, I didn't really make the mess," not today, I won't go back there, I won't do it again.

SUCCESS! After what feels like an eternity the woman gives, her resolve fades and I have conquered the public bathroom. Without a sound she quickly dresses, flushes the toilet and scurries out of the bathroom, waiting for me to leave I am sure.
photo pilfered from Team Sugar

I finish up and wash my hands, all in peace, rinse as long as i want, use all the paper towels i feel necessary and leave the mysterious puddle of water lingering on the sink. I feel strong, independent, not like the issue laden nut job I really am.

Returning to my cube I realize just how ridiculous I really am and resolve to chronicle my insanity in such a way that i might embarrass myself into abandoning these crippling troubles and moving on with my life, hence the blogging about bathroom phobias.

Anybody else have an irrational fear? either blog about it and track back to my blog, or leave it in a comment!


momgonecrazy said...

Oh Amy, we are definately meant to be friends. Not only do we share an irrational fear of water fowl, but I also suffer from bathroom panic! Mine is twofold... I can pee in a public bathroom, but I can't do number 2. I think because I can't do 2, I panic when I can't get a stream out; I suddenly think "Oh crap, they now think I'm pooping, but really I'm just trying to pee!" So my pee is frozen in fear. I don't know why I can't poop in a public restroom, well it isn't really limited to restrooms, I can't poop at other people's houses or when a bunch of people are in mine. I don't think I've fully progressed through Freud's anal stage of developement, which explains my control issues....

Shannon said...

OMG this is really funny. I loved how you said you 'CLAMMED UP!' I don't have an issue with it. The puddle of water by the sink always freaks me out some. If I had this disorder I might be stuck at work, there are always people in there!

My long time irrational fear was flying but I've kinda gotten over it. I figured out after about 4 of those little bottles of wine, I'm good to go. :) Maybe you should try that for the bathroom!!! :)

Ry Sal said...

What a brilliant diatribe!

I picture you (my version, considering I don't know you) standing on a pillar mid-public bathroom, bullhorn to mouth "I am afraid of people hearing me go to the bathroom". A phobia that I share to the point of never using any bathroom other than my own. That is unless there is an overnight stay elsewhere--in which stomach issues are usually involved. Oh the lives we lead!

Onto the next fear.... salad bars.

Amy (aka TheMom) said...

OMG!! I have that same issue. I have to have the bathroom fan on and basically I would prefer no one be anywhere near the outside of the door. I have to plug my ears and hum to pee in public.

Now, I really like Jeff Goldblum, but I am pretty sure that Kevin Bacon is Satan.

Michele said...

OMG... I think coffee just came out of my nose! Hysterical ~ and yet, so true. I'm not so bad now, but I definately had this problem. Your description was priceless, I can totally relate. I have no problem pee'ing in a public washroom, but #2 is still out of the question. I have done the "waiting battle" with someone as well. (I won, btw) ... this is too funny. You're great!

I stumbled on your blog today, and so glad I did. It's a great site, and very well written. I am following you now from rss feed. I look forward to the many great posts ahead!


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