Domestic Revolution


The Sanctity of my Office

Is it terrible that I find my office so peaceful at night and sort of dread the eventual drive home? Its not that I don't like my house, or my husband, or my kid or my dog, its just that, my office is so much more clean.

The bathrooms normally smell nice, not like pug, and I don't have to bend over and fill the toilet manually, making sure i don't turn the lever the wrong way resulting in a shriek of surprise and a very wet head. There is always toilet paper, its the thin industrial kind, but as my husband has started stealing TP from his work, its actually the same as being at home.

In my office I have access to soda and snack foods all day, people actually bring me coffee becuase  I am just barely important enough to have underlings, sometimes they even bake things and leave them out for everyone to sample, the only baked goods I get at home are mud pies, unless of course, I bake them.

I am at least 85% more appreciated at work, with performance reviews, raises and general "way to go" comments on at least a quartly basis, while at home, the most i get is "thanks for dinner mommy" (which is awfully nice when it happens) and a reminder that the laundry has been sitting in the wash for three days and should propably be re-washed.

I am also an expert, and (somewhat)  important at work, people seek out my opinion and views and look to me for decisions, leadership and advice, it all makes me feel so very valued.  At home I am a "stupid head".

There are things I can't reach and chores I didn't do and toys I stepped on and cookies I won't give out, I think my quarterly performance rating at home would be somewhere in the  "Needs Improvement" category, while at work, I most often "Exceed Expectations" and am occasionally even categorized as "Outstanding".

At work,  I am acctually required to take breaks, a minimum of two 15, and one 30 minute breaks a day, occasional forays to the coffee pot are not discouraged and I can actually read the newspaper or a book that is of some interest to me .

At home, i hide in the bathroom with a book until someone pounds on the door demanding to use it,  so I can get a couple of extra pages in before its back to latest adventure staring Dora the Explorer (fascinating read by the way, highly reccomended)

I get to have adult conversations, and the topics rarely turn to poop, biting, and who is, or is not, coming to my birthday party.

My keyboard is never sticky, and my screens are never smudged with fingerprints, my phone is always charged, my desk, while cluttered, is at least organized and the only coloring is my own.

I love to be at work, and some days, I want to dig my heels in and hang on to my desk tight, refusing to leave the perfectly climate controlled, non dog smelling building, with only stacks of papers, not stacks of laundry and dishes.

But, then I get home, and she smiles at me, and her little pink head comes bobbing down the driveway and she hugs me. The words that make it all worth while come out of her tiny mouth;  "I missed you mommy" and i sigh, maybe it is okay to be home, maybe the rest of it doesn't matter. The husband kisses me and tells me he made dinner, that I can relax for a little bit, and I feel at peace, maybe it won't be so bad, maybe I don't need my office for my sanity, the dog licks my feet and wags her little pugglet tail, and I'm actually happy to be home.

Then, I walk inside....


Funnyguurl said...

I would give you an "Outstanding" for raising one sweet hearted girl. Despite your mommy perspective (I'm raising a Jerk) I think you're actually doing ok! You are on target. Lily was a sweet heart to me and Ben. I had fun playing with her and I know potty-training is hard for lots of kids (one of my sisters for instance). So, don't let what other people say (or your perceptions of their statements/actions) get you all discouraged. You are doing a good job!!

mamajade said...

I agree. I would give you an Outstanding, for many things. That's a good idea. Maybe we should come up with non-work evaluation sheets. It's good to get feedback.

pinklilybit said...

I agree, and I think all mom's need a chance to get feedback, something the kids can fill in and drool on to tell us that yes indeed they are happy.
The whole idea of my blog is that we ALL feel like we are failing some days, we ALL feel like we will never get it right and we ALL feel like we are just barely keeping afloat, when the reality is, we are ALL in the same boat and we are ALL doing just fine. If they are alive, happy (at least most of the time) and eventually turn into functioning members of society, we can all raise our hands in unison and cry, "We have overcome!" Go Mommies!

My next entry will be on the importance of our mommy and non-mommy friends and how they keep us afloat, so plan on seeing something a littl more optomistic next time, though be aware, my humor is often self depricating and sarcastic, so plan on seeing alot more "heres why I suck, but I don't really because we all suck only we don't, were awesome" type blogs.

Chelle said...

Can you put your RSS feed in your sidebar so I can easily add it to my Google Reader?? Por Favor!? Also - Can you ask Rachel to do the same :) I'm lazy.... Lubs!

Funnyguurl said...

yay! you did it!

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