Domestic Revolution


The Name Game


I got this from a great blog I've been reading, Mommy Words Check it out!

1. Do you have any cultural or religious naming traditions?

Nothing really, we always wanted to name a boy with the initals JP in our family becuase my dad never go the boy he wanted so badly, he was a JP and so was his father, and it was always hoped that the next baby would be the new JP, but instead he got three girls.

2. Did you or your partner come to the marriage with pre-selected names?

I did, I knew that I wanted a girl named Lily and a boy named Jack or Jackson, that was decided during a game of house long ago, when Lily replaced Sara as my all time number one favorite baby name. Korbin was my other favorite name growing up, and was the name of my baby think it over in highschool, but I decided on Jackson in college when I decided to go along with the JP theme. We have since expanded those names to accompany Steve's ideas as well, and he is in charge of all middle naming, but I get veto power.

3. Did you consider the sound of the first and middle and last names together? Did this make any sad eliminations?

We veto'd a couple of middle names that i came up with, (Hazel was one i really liked) because they didn't sound right with Lily, but I wasn't willing to give it up. And others would sound good with Lillian, but not Lily, or vice versa, and I'm really wierd about 1) need them to be able to have nicknames that work, and 2) being able to translate the name from kid to grown up, to old lady without anyone sounding silly.

4. Do you have veto powers?

I do, he doesn't unless he is really, really against it.

5. Did the baby naming cause arguments?

Surprisingly, we had her completely named in a matter of minutes, until like 2 weeks before she was born, then I changed it up on him becuase I randomly decided to honor my grandmother as well, so now her name is super long.

6. Do you think it is easier to name boys or girls?

Definately girls, its harder to get that "sounds good young and old" thing I am so passionate about for a boy. Most of the ones that sound good when they are young sound wierd when they are old, I can't picture a 45 year old justice of the peace named Kaleb or Ashton you know?

7. Did you eliminate names because of people from your past or present who you don’t like or because a certain image comes to mind.

DEFINATELY, when I first decided on the name I wanted, i tried to rhyme it with as many things as possible before settling on it. I was called Lame-y Pickle all through school, I didn't want her to know that pain.

8. Did you / would you survey your children to get their thoughts on the name?

my sisters, but I wasn't really listening to anyones suggestions, i knew what I wanted to name her for sure.

9. Did you tell people the name or possibler names before the baby was born or were they “in the vault”?

Oh yeah, i have a huge mouth, but I kind of wish I hadn't, we got so much crap about her middle name, people saying it sounded like a Cow's name or telling us that she will one day hate us. It was a downer.

10. Did you use baby name books?
A little, but more for the middle name, until Steve picked it out, we wanted to see what would sound good, and I went through the 1001 worst baby names book, I am proud to say none of her names are in there!

Drumroll Please…What did you name your kids and why? See – if you don’t share your names it’s okay you can still share your crazy story with 1-10!


We named her Lillian Mae because it shortens to Lily-my preapproved baby name and Mae is for my grandmother, Lillian Mae or just Lillian sounds good if she is a serious older lady or a supreme court justice, Lily works great if she is a kindergarten teacher or one of those funky older ladies with really long hair and lots of dogs. I always pair my names with "Miss" or "Mister" because thats how I addressed people when I worked at a retirement home, I think "Miss Lily" or "Miss Lillian" sounds just right.

Buttercup is straight from her father, and something that my family, and his have never ceased to torture us about. Steve's cousin even gave us a little stuffed cow when she was born, just to be a jerk.

I haven't had my second baby yet, but I'm hoping to get pregnant very soon, and if we have a boy, we will name him Jaxon Perrin (so we get the JP with out making a John III) or Lucille June Diamond for the same reasons we went with Lillian, and Betty June is my other grandmothers name, so she will be either Lucy June, or Lucy Diamond, we really like the Beatles too!

this was fun! Check out the blog it came from at

Passing this one on to
MamaJade at Strained Peas and Other Messes
Mom Gone Crazy at The Every Mom's Blog
Maggie Mae at Walk on the Happy Side - Loving this Blog!

Pass it on girls!


mamajade said...

I heart you, and I love Lily's name. Mom was actually just telling me yesterday that she loves the name Lily (and she doesn't even know that your pink one goes by that name).

momgonecrazy said...

I remember when Steve told me Lily's middle name was going to be Buttercup! I thought he was joking at first, but then it's Steve and he's a little "different". I wanted to call her Princess Buttercup and thought she should find a guy named Wesley and marry him. I neve though it sounded like a cow. That's dumb! Cows are Bessies or Frenchies, not Buttercups. I want to rename Tootie "Lucy Diamond" but she wont let me!

Shirley Rempel said...

Too cute! I love the name as well:) I found you on MBC and following...check me out too

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