Domestic Revolution


And Here we Go

Thinking about my day to day life I wouldn't normally consider blogging as a viable option.  I'm a busy mom, with no money and a job I am under qualified and under compensated for.  An exciting life I do not lead.  But when my best friend suggested that I start a blog I thought on it and realized that boring is the new exciting. The life I lead, while average at times, is something that most women can relate to. I don't have time to be as creative as I want to be, I don't make enough money to stay home, and I don't really want to, and I don't want to feel bad about that. I'm not young enough to be a "young mother" and I'm not committed enough to be one of those organic buying educational game playing moms you always see at the food co-op buying supplements and Auntie Anne's gluten free macaroni and cheese.

I'm just a mom, trying to do the best I can, looking for adventure and excitement at Kmart and trying to keep my kid alive.

Welcome to my Blog, expect to see poetry and art, sardonic commentary on the perils of day to day life, gender and social commentary and alot narcissistic self exploration. Feel free to comment where a chord is stricken and contribute where you wish!


Funnyguurl said...

Congrats and welcome to the blogging community. You'll find a routine, jotting down ideas whenever they form, and experimenting will go far. Write me if you want me to look something over or need an idea/helping hand/shove. I admire your writing and I know you will be successful if you keep at it and get your blog out there.

Rachel said...

There is nothing wrong with being an Auntie Annes pasta mom (I hear it's delicious)! =) I think that no matter what kind of mom you are, I think we can all relate to the feeling of mediocrity, the struggle to balance work and parenting and relationships and still find some semblance of ourselves at the end of the day. As an avid reader of your previous bloig, I look forward to reading what you have to say in this one!

pinklilybit said...

I'll let you in on a secret, whenever I can afford it, I do buy Auntie Anne's soups and pastas, they are super good! The point in my stating that is that I am average, or maybe just below the average mark, and like alot of moms, i look at all the other moms and think they are doing a whole lot better than I am, until I see one of those moms that is struggling, and then, for a split second, i think maybe, just maybe, I'm doing a little better than that! I hope to be that mom for many other mothers!

Cari said...

I'm in the same boat on mommy-hood. I'm just happy that their both alive at this point! Mommy confession number 1- I yell at them, mainly because their so irritating in the morning. And I often wonder what I would be doing if I could afford boarding school on the East Coast. Anyway... I love reading your blogs and it's nice to know that I'm not the only mom who feels like she doesn't have it together, considering I'm surround by perfect homeschool moms who LIVE for their children. Scary.

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