You may have noticed a bit of a change here at what was once Mediocre Mama. What was once a blog that was meant to help me make sense of the sometimes baffling and often hilarious world of motherhood, has become something more in recent months. The reason for this? I have become something more. Through the duration of this blog I have been growing up, learning about myself as a mom, and feeling less and less insecure about my place in the universe.
Mediocre Mama followed me through a HUGE transition in my life, from early motherhood, to working mom, to suddenly single, to coming out and finding a life I didn't know I could have. Through it all I have kept my sense of humor and my relationship with my daughter has grown stronger with every passing year. Reading back blog posts is like reliving those moments of my life all over again, for better and for worse. There was never much focus other than my extreme desire to feel less alone in a world that sometimes felt increasingly isolated.
The world I am living in now is very different. I am very quickly becoming the best version of myself I have ever been. I look around me and see only the potential for love and mutual support, and do not feel so alone and isolated as I once did. While I am still utterly baffled by Pinkone and am pretty sure the world made a terrible mistake in allowing me to raise a human being without proper supervision, I am fairly confident in my ability to do so effectively at this point. I know what kind of mom I am, what kind of mom I want to be, and neither of those things is Mediocre. Mediocre Mama was supposed to be tongue in cheek, a play on the insecurities that we all feel about parenting and growing up. Really, it was me hiding behind self deprecation and giving myself an out to be less than the parent I knew I could be. Am I perfect? dear god no. Do I plan to be perfect? nope, perfect is boring. Am I mediocre? nope, and I never was. I am the best mom for my kid, and the best mom I want to be today. What more could I want really?
The new phase for Mediocre Mama, which shall now be known as "Domestic Anarchy" is really exciting for us. Boss is going to join me in chronicling our adventures in "Unintentional Bohemia" or what I am also referring to as "The DIY Revolution". We made the decision to change our lives, partially out of necessity (I may have mentioned once or twice that we are broke asses) Partially because we want to be closer to the roots of where our food, clothes, materials and whatever else we can come up with, comes from.
We intend to write about our adventures as amateur urban farmers, canners, seamstresses, and what my work boss is now calling "Faux-mish". We also intend to continue writing about the strange and wonderful world that we inhabit with our daughter Pinkone and her many eccentricities. There will still be plenty of "WTF" moments starring our favorite precocious pink headed monster and never a shortage of pug related anecdotes.
Hopefully those of you who have always enjoyed my blogs will continue to subscribe, and hopefully I will be better at posting more consistently now that Boss and I are working together on this. Feel free to contribute your own DIY revolutionary ideas, most of mine are pilfered from the internet anyway!
Thanks for all of the support over the years and here's to a new age!
<3 The formerly Mediocre Mama
I do enjoy your writings immensely, you have an incredible writing style...your topics all always of interest to me, and your attitude of mother-dom is amazing!!! You and Boss are obviously a "right fit" in the world of all kinds of things that don't fit. You are both lucky to have that! :-) Wishing you both only the best, and can't wait to read your next post!! (((HUGS)))
Love your new title for your remind me so much of my self when I was on my own and Boss was but a the read please post more......
Thanks Mama :) We are trying to start posting more regularly, it helps that we have a more solid direction for the blog now. Keep checking in we will need your advice!
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