I am spending my morning trapped in a cubicle bunkered down with my IPOD and a huge sheet of claims to slug through. The beauty of my IPOD is that is allows me to watch movies, which makes my day just a tiny bit more bearable. Currently, I am indulging my love for Christmas movies and watching Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn and Reese Witherspoon. This movie is ridiculous, but one scene in particular inspired me this morning.
The scene I’m talking about is when the staring couple is visiting with Reese’s mom and sister and aunts in the, “cougar den”. The mother is now dating a pastor at a local “Hip Christian” church and at his urging has decided to do away with the “commercial trappings of Christmas” and speak to the “spiritual gifts” they want for one and other. So, this whole scene is acctually rather silly, especially the part where the 80 something year old Gram Gram offers her husband the spiritual gift of “pleasuring Milt more often with my hand and with my mouth”. That never ceases to amuse me.
The point of this description is that I want to take this particular blog post as an opportunity to offer up some “spiritual gifts” of my own to those in my life and surrounding it. This is a rough year for my family, as you all are aware at this point, and I am certainly not the only one that could benefit from some gifts of the spirit this holiday.
To my daughter the pink headed weirdo:
I gift you with a sense of whimsy. Take life lightly Pinkone, its not all so serious. Why worry so much about vampires and wereostritches when there is magic everywhere? I gift you with strength. I want you to see the women in your life and the strength that they have to meet every challenge head on and plow through. You are coming from a long line of strong, bawdy, noisy women that will be there to hold you up through all of life’s challenges. I love you, we are a team kid.
To my 3 best lady friends, who are each battling their own particular demons:
I gift the three of you with clarity. I want all three of you to see your goals and your lives clearly. Find peace as you move forward and seek out answers to your personal questions. Know that I am with you through every step of the journey and will be there when you need a leg up. Cari, Shelli, Tera; I love you all.
To my Mommy friends:
I gift you with patience and the knowledge that you are doing a great job, no matter how little you feel it sometimes. If only there were some award show that once yearly gave every mom a lifetime achievement award. Everything about mothering is hard and most of it is thankless and kind of gross. But we do it, everyday and take joy in it most of the time. For all of you, thank you for raising the next generation and you are doing a great job.
To all of us in the blog-o-verse:
I gift you all with inspiration and bloggy goodness for the new year! Blogging is therapeutic and sometimes feels tedious and even selfish (at least it does to me) but if you all are anything like me, it keeps you sane. Use your gifts and share them with the world! I hope all of you find many fun, funny, and fascinating things to blog about and share with the rest of us over the next 12 months.
To Myself:
I am gifting myself with the gift of perspective and care this year. I am allowing myself the ability to see things clearly and find out where they fit in my new life. I give myself permission to go to the doctor, to eat healthy and to work out. Taking care of myself does not mean I am being selfish, and taking care of others needs to come second. This year I will get my ducks in a row, so to speak, and actualize my priorities. I will move forward and I will be strong. I am also giving myself the gift of a punching bag...becuase everybody just needs to hit something sometimes.
What kind of "spirtiual gifts" would you offer your people blog-o-verse?
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Joyous Kwanza and Satisfactory Non-Denominational Winter Solstice Celebration to all of you!
I'm confused. Since when is being queer a demon I need to battle?
not sure where i say that anywhere in the post. When this was written, clarity was something you were searching for in regard to your sexuality and how it fit into your life. Something i too have been looking for. So, the gift of clarity doesn't suggest you are battling anything.
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