I tripped over a pink plastic mini sized car seat, fell on a plastic horse, twisted my ankle when it was caught in a princess dress and fell face first into a pile of torn coloring books. Guess whose room I was in?
The pinkone is officially drowning in shit. She has SO much shit. WAAAAY too much shit. Its time to get rid of the shit.
I don't know if I've mentioned it yet but i have one and a half new roommates, one invited, one kind of appeared, but is making herself very useful so I'm not complaining.
The first is my little sister who has been a big help cleaning and watching the pinkone during the week. She's the one that was planned and she's staying with us to get her official grown up life started and find a job in the wild world.
The second is Mary. I love Mary. She is super fun, she makes me feel all sexy because she's always grabbing my butt and telling me I'm hot stuff. However, much like the shit in the pinkone's lair, she just "appeared" one day, and hasn't left. She has also brought with her a resurgence of all our male friends resulting in somewhere between 6 and 12 people in my tiny house on any given evening. Did I mention Mary is hot?
She is splitting her time between our house and her wonderful new boyfriends (Joe) and acting as kind of part-time nanny/maid/mommy confidence booster.
These two are helping me to act out my commitment to rid the lair of so much shit, much to the pinkone's chagrin. For the first time in her history we have two people who are not working, not exhausted, and are completely willing to enforce parental reprimands and attack any and all projects we set forth.
King Daddy and I can proclaim that Princess Naughtypants shall heretofore clean her pit of despair or not receive unicorn rides after work, and the two servant girls will make sure its done. Normally, Princess Naughtypants falls asleep after an epic tantrum. King Daddy and Queen Mommy, grateful to not have to hear the whining, sobbing, throwing and kicking, collapse on the couch and resolve to try again tomorrow.
Mary and Missy are our saviors. I look forward to coming home now because my house smells much less like urine since the sheets are washed same day. I look forward to cooking dinner because the dishes are cleaned by someone other than my husband who refuses to fix the dishwasher, and because he refuses to fix the dishwasher, i refuse to wash dishes, leaving two cranky people and a lot of unwashed dishes. My floor was even vacuumed the other day. it's a miracle.
So todays task is to clean up the Shit, give away some of the Shit, and hopefully toss a great deal of Shit as well. I'll be posting photos as soon as I can find my camera, its buried underneath all MY shit.

I'm glad you didn't die!
I want to feature your blog on Life2Us for the month of February. Do you have an image you would like me to use? Right now I'm using your profile pic, but I can change it if you like.
Fantastic! I'm stoked! I just updated my avatar on the site with the quickly cobbled together banner I made. My graphic designer is ummmm on vacation. Thank you so much!
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